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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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At the SHS Funnies

From First Thoughts

As regular readers know, I really like the comic strip Pearls Before Swine. Here’s an example of why I think it is the funniest being written today:My mother would relate: She used to be 4’ 11.” Now, at 90, she’s 4’ . . . . Continue Reading »

Kitty Hate Crime

From First Thoughts

Dan Piraro, the creator of Bizarrzo, a feature I quite like, is a self-proclaimed vegan and animal rights adherent. This cartoon, in which the cat is depicted as evil for wanting to eat the birds, is a classic example of the hyper-romanticism of the mindset. Earth to Piraro: To the cat, the bird is . . . . Continue Reading »

If Kevorkian Comes: Let Him Speak

From First Thoughts

I think it is outrageous that the University of Florida is paying the murderer and anti-disabled bigot Jack Kevorkian $50,000 to speak. And I certainly don’t object to protests against that appearance. But, worried about disruption, the university is properly planning security precautions.For . . . . Continue Reading »

More Proof That Animal Research Works

From First Thoughts

Most animal rights activists deny the many benefits—both scientific and medical—that we derive from doing animal research. This position is empirically untenable. Case in point: The recent experiment in which scientists created a beating heart from adult stem cells—which I blogged . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cells Create Beating Heart

From First Thoughts

This animal study may pave the way for wonderful medical treatments. From the story:Scientists have created a beating heart in the laboratory in a breakthrough that could allow doctors one day to make a range of organs for transplant almost from scratch.The procedure involved stripping all the . . . . Continue Reading »