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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Adult Stem Cells Build a New Heart

From First Thoughts

I reported on this story previously from a different angle, e.g. the need for using animals in basic medical research. But this picture is so amazing, that I thought the breakthrough was worth revisiting to discuss the biotechnological implications.To recap: scientists created a new beating heart . . . . Continue Reading »

Monkeys Can’t Sue—Yet

From First Thoughts

The attempt by animal rights activists to grant animals the right to sue in their own names has been rejected in Texas. From the story:A Texas appeals court has affirmed a lower court decision that nine chimpanzees and monkeys that were brought to the Primarily Primates sanctuary in 2006 don’t . . . . Continue Reading »

"Waging War Against the Weak"

From First Thoughts

I write regularly for the Center for Bioethics and Culture Newsletter. This week, I have a piece on the new eugenics that threatens the lives and well being of the elderly and people with profound disabilities. Here is an excerpt:Around the world, profoundly disabled or terminally ill people are . . . . Continue Reading »