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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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NHS Meltdown: A Continuing Tragedy

From First Thoughts

I cannot believe the disaster that is befalling the health care system in the UK. Now, it turns out that patients are leaving hospitals malnourished! From the story:Some 140,000 people are discharged from hospital while underweight every year, and most are never diagnosed or treated, nutritionists . . . . Continue Reading »

FDA Shuts Down Inhumane Meat Packer

From First Thoughts

This is good. It is a human obligation—and a proper role of government—to ensure that our food animals are slaughtered humanely. There are rules and regulations in this regard and USDA inspectors at slaughter houses to maintain proper standards.Apparently, the Hallmark/Westland Meat . . . . Continue Reading »

Jail Politicians Who "Ignore Science"

From First Thoughts

The shamans of scientisim are growing increasingly strident. Yesterday, we discussed advocacy for creating a world authoritarianism to impose scientific consensus policies about global warming. Apparently, Dr. David Suzuki, the Canadian geneticist turned television star, has opined that politicians . . . . Continue Reading »

A Call For Scientific Authoritarianism

From First Thoughts

I have warned repeatedly that we suffer from “expertitis,” my term for the tendency to hand the most important policy decisions over to “experts.” Now, a well known environmental author named David Shearman has written an hysterical piece urging that we toss aside democracy . . . . Continue Reading »

He Speaks! "Why Being Human Matters"

From First Thoughts

I am often asked where people can see recordings of my speeches. The Discovery Institute just posted online one I made there last year, called “Why Being Human Matters: Bioethics, Animal Liberation, and the Threat to Human Exceptionalism.” Hit this link, and I will appear after a very . . . . Continue Reading »

Honest Nitschke

From First Thoughts

Philip Nitschke, as I have repeatedly written, believes essentially in death on demand. He says so again in the wake of the suicide of woman he “counseled:”“Nitschke insisted that healthy people of sound mind, who were mature enough, should have the right to take their own lives if . . . . Continue Reading »

ALF Admits London Terrorist Arson

From First Thoughts

I reported yesterday on the shameful and criminal firebombing of Dr. Edythe London’s house. One commentator thought I might have jumped to a conclusion. But the despicable ALF has now bragged about their felonious conduct. From the anonymous press release: After promising to return if she . . . . Continue Reading »