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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Javona Peters Has Died

From First Thoughts

I just received word that Javona Peters has passed away. It is my understanding that, to their credit, both parents who are estranged, never got to the place where they fought in court over removing her feeding tube, but instead cooperated in medical decision making. This may not assuage their grief . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS Meltdown: A Baby Dies

From First Thoughts

This is worse than awful: A 54 day old baby was sexually abused and beaten to death by her father. Yet during her brief life 30 different health care workers cared for her, and somehow didn’t notice a thing. Plus, her mother is schizophrenic, which should have triggered a referral to social . . . . Continue Reading »

Mother’s Milk May Have Stem Cells

From First Thoughts

Now here’s a story that gives the old saying, “the milk of human kindness,” a whole new meaning. It turns out that breast milk may contain stem cells. From the story: The Perth scientist [Dr Mark Cregan] who made the world-first discovery that human breast milk contains stem cells . . . . Continue Reading »