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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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"Pixie Dust" Regrows Severed Finger

From First Thoughts

I would be more comfortable about this tremendous potential advance in healing serious wounds if it were reported in a peer reviewed medical journal rather than the sensationalistic Daily “Halle Berry Shows She’s a REAL Mom as Dress Reveals Post Baby Tummy” Mail, but the story . . . . Continue Reading »

Lead Into Gold: More IPSC Advances in Mice

From First Thoughts

Research on the new Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells continues to advance. Now, scientists have morphed them into heart and blood cells. From the story:Stem cell researchers at UCLA were able to grow functioning cardiac cells using mouse skin cells that had been reprogrammed into cells with the same . . . . Continue Reading »

Stifling Scientific Heterodoxy

From First Thoughts

All around the country and the world, scientists who don’t fall in line on human cloning, global warming, neo-Darwinism, and other issues in which the Science Establishment demands lockstep thinking, find themselves being pushed aside—ironically, by the very types who vociferously . . . . Continue Reading »

Gene Therapy Success Restores Vision

From First Thoughts

This is exciting news and demonstrates once again that most biotechnology isn’t morally contentious. A teenager with failing eyesight has had his vision improved by inserting healthy genes to correct a genetically caused disability. From the story: In the trial carried out by a team at the . . . . Continue Reading »