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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Animal Rights versus Environmentalism

From First Thoughts

I have noticed a slowly growing schism between animal rights and environmentalism. The former cares about each animal as individuals, perceiving their moral value (whether based on “painience” or “sentience”) to that generally accorded to human beings. Environmentalism, in . . . . Continue Reading »

Patti Berg: Calling It as it Isn’t

From First Thoughts

For years, California Assemblywoman Patti Berg (D- Mill Valley) has resorted to every conceivable maneuver she could think of to pass an assisted suicide bill through the California Legislature. She failed. So now, she is trying a different approach: Under the guise of requiring doctors to disclose . . . . Continue Reading »

More Commentary on Swiss Nonsense

From First Thoughts

I did a lot of media on my “Silent Scream of the Asparagus” piece in the Weekly Standard. But I am certainly not alone in noticing the extremes to which the Swiss are now going, not only with plant “dignity,” but also with certain “rights” for social . . . . Continue Reading »

Exposing the "War on Science" Bunkum

From First Thoughts

Advocates for an “anything goes” scientific sector often claim that attempts to place reasonable ethical parameters around biotechnology—say by outlawing all human cloning as has been urged by the UN General Assembly—is a war on science or the imposition of religion. That . . . . Continue Reading »