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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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EU Court to Rule if Chimp is "Person!

From First Thoughts

Can’t even take a vacation! But this is very big:Chimp personhood is a primary goal that animal right activists seek to attain and then use as a wrecking ball to disintegrate human exceptionalism. Once a court’s declares a chimpanzee to be a full person, that ruling would make chimps, in . . . . Continue Reading »

Obsessed with Death

From First Thoughts

By Bobby SchindlerI found this article very interesting, or should I say pathetic?Philip Nitschke recently appeared as a witness in a euthanasia trial. Evidently, the prosecutor claimed that he was “hell-bent” on helping a man to commit assisted suicide despite the fact that he suffered . . . . Continue Reading »

Crazy Brave New Britain

From First Thoughts

By Jennifer LahlMonday, as was expected, the United Kingdom approved the creation of human-animal hybrids for research. British officials have bought it hook line and sinker . . . they want to maintain their reputation as leaders in stem cell research. And since a strong contingent of organized . . . . Continue Reading »

Pushing Futile Care

From First Thoughts

I appreciate Wesley asking me to help out while he is vacationing. So here it goes...Posted by Bobby SchindlerAlthough I agree with some of what Dr. Fisher says in regard to our failing health care system, his underlying premise about how to fix it should concern us all. The good doctor is clearly . . . . Continue Reading »

Sex Change Treatment for 7 Year Olds!

From First Thoughts

This seems to me to be unethical human experimentation: A doctor in Boston gives hormones to children who believe themselves to be transgendered to help prevent puberty and move them toward a sex change. From the story:Boston’s Children’s Hospital bills itself as the hospital for . . . . Continue Reading »

Bon Voyage! SHS Taking a Cruise

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette is frazzled, I am about to double down on the gray matter and make my final push to finish the animal rights book this summer, and her parents are itching to travel: So we are taking a cruise.I just had the Geek Squad tune up the old laptop, so I will still be posting from . . . . Continue Reading »