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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Seeking Person Status for Chimpanzee

From First Thoughts

Matthew Hiasl Pan is the name given to him. Nice name except for one major detail. Pan is a 26 year old Chimpanzee. And in the radical animal rights activists mind Pan should be seen as, treated as and protected in law as a person.Thankfully the high court in Austria decided that only people get . . . . Continue Reading »

Toward Honest Talk

From First Thoughts

By Alex SchadenbergI read an excellent article by Marilyn Golden in the Capitol Weekly online explaining why California’s Bill AB 2747 that is sponsored by Patti Berg needs to be defeated.Marilyn Golden is a Policy Analyst at the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) which is . . . . Continue Reading »

More on AB 2747

From First Thoughts

By Bobby SchindlerHere is more on California Bill AB 2747 by disability rights advocate Marilyn Golden. Thankfully, this bill, which is being sponsored by California Assemblymembers Patty Berg and Lloyd Levine is being exposed for what it really is, a backdoor attempt to legalize physician assisted . . . . Continue Reading »

Nazi doctor wins medical award

From First Thoughts

By Alex SchadenbergDr. Hans-Joachim Sewering, a 92-year-old german physician has been honored for performing unequalled service in the cause of freedom of the practice and the independence of the medical profession, and to the nation’s health system by the German Federation of Internal . . . . Continue Reading »

Will Wonders Never Cease?

From First Thoughts

By Jennifer LahlA friend sent me the link to this news story the other day. In this Culture of Death, I never ceased to be amazed with the miraculous. This story highlights, yet another person, not quite dead yet, who suddenly and amazingly woke up. Her family said their good byes, and had pulled . . . . Continue Reading »

The Big Easy Shows Us How It’s Done

From First Thoughts

By Jennifer LahlLouisiana just passed through their Senate committee, HR 370, which if passed, would ban the use of public funds for human cloning research. Hooray! Great model legislation moves forward without opposition and is headed to the Senate floor for a vote. Since its not being resisted, I . . . . Continue Reading »