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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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NHS Meltdown: Filthy Hospitals

From First Thoughts

A full one-quarter of NHS trust hospitals in the UK fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. From the story:The Healthcare Commission reports that no improvement has been made on a year ago. In total, 103 out of 391 trusts admitted they did not achieve the minimum requirements, brought in by . . . . Continue Reading »

They Want Your Eggs!

From First Thoughts

Cloning reduces procreation to a matter of mere manufacture and transforms human life into an instrumentalized natural resource, whether that life is a nascent cloned embryo created and destroyed for its stem cells or women exploited for their eggs—since an egg is required for each cloning . . . . Continue Reading »