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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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More on Ape Rights

From First Thoughts

We are all apes now, as the Spanish Parliament will soon be granting “human” rights to apes, which is actually to say that human rights are being demoted into mere temporary protections. This story deserves greater coverage, and I intend to do something about that in the next few weeks. . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Stem Cell Disinformation Alert

From First Thoughts

The promoters of embryonic stem cell enterprises continue to tout soon to come “breakthroughs” accompanied by supine media coverage and inaccurate statements by “the scientists” who twist and distort scientific definitions to win a political debate. Such spin in the name of . . . . Continue Reading »

Samuel Golubchuck Has Died

From First Thoughts

The patient in the Winnipeg futile care lawsuit has died while on life support. From the story: In the end, it wasn’t a judge who decided Sam Golubchuk’s fate—time ran out for the 84-year-old and his family who challenged the province’s medical community over who gets to . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cells: The New Plastic Surgery?

From First Thoughts

A new article in Live Science predicts that adult stem cells may replace silicone breast implants and other contemporary plastic surgery techniques. But first, a crucial admission you once would never see in a science-oriented journal. From the story:Stem cells are cells that have the ability to . . . . Continue Reading »