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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Saletan on the GAP

From First Thoughts

Slate’s Will Saletan has weighed in on the Spanish plan to pass the GAP. As usual, his take comes at the reader from different and unexpected angles that acknowledge the arguments of the opposing sides of the debate. (And he is kind enough to give a tip of the hat to yours truly.) But I think . . . . Continue Reading »

Great Ape Project Poll

From First Thoughts

The pending success of the GAP has freaked me out. I have done radio and have articles to come. You know what I think, now it is time to find out what you think. Please take the following poll: Should Apes be Granted “Human” Type Rights? ( . . . . Continue Reading »

More "Anti-Science" McCarthyism

From First Thoughts

Good grief, there they go again. If you disagree with the progressive political view, er, I mean, the “scientific consensus,” you are branded as “anti science.” Another in a wearying series of cases in point is today’s hysterical rant about global warming by Joseph Romm . . . . Continue Reading »

If Meat is Murder—So is Vegan

From First Thoughts

I grow weary of PETA’s antics. Now, they are attacking actress Jessica Simpson for wearing a T-shirt that read, “Real Girls Eat Meat.” From the story:Alistair Currie, a spokesman for Peta, said: “Jessica Simpson might have a right to wear what she wants, but she doesn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Canadian Health Care System Also a Mess

From First Thoughts

We hear much about the deficiencies of the American health care system. But things aren’t well north of the border, either—according to Claude Castonguay,one of the architects of the Canadian system. From the Investors Business Daily editorial:Four decades later, as the chairman of a . . . . Continue Reading »