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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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"The War on Scientists"

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette, better known as Debra J. Saunders, has an excellent column in today’s San Francisco Chronicle castigating the animal rights terrorists who are attacking animal researchers. (I should point out that she was writing about the dangers of animal rights before I ever did.) From . . . . Continue Reading »

How Science Ceases to be Science

From First Thoughts

This is a very good column in The Australian, that debunks global warming. But that is not why I bring it up, as we don’t discuss the ins and outs of that issue here. In “Climate Hysterics v Heretics in An Age of Unreason,” Arthur Herman shows how science devolves into . . . . Continue Reading »

Docotrs Need to Quit This! Now!

From First Thoughts

This is what I wrote in Culture of Death (page 69, paperback version), which first came out in early 2001:The attitude that it is better to die than live cognitively disabled has triumphed so completely in our medical culture that some doctors now report a rush to write off newly unconscious . . . . Continue Reading »