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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Spain Preparing to Legalize Euthanasia?

From First Thoughts

I have been waiting for this: Spain’s government may be the most radical in the free world, controlled as it is by Socialists and Greens. It is personalizing fauna by preparing to legalize the Great Ape Project, and has pursued other agendas on the progressive agenda with vigor. Yet, so far, . . . . Continue Reading »

Swiss Values Come to San Francisco

From First Thoughts

With the Swiss declaring “plant rights” and castigating the “decapitation” of wild flowers, it was only a matter of time before these ideas came to San Francisco. I can’t prove it yet, but the evidence is beginning to come in. In this morning’s Leah Garchick . . . . Continue Reading »

Undermining Public Trust in Organ Donation

From First Thoughts

There is a story out today that I find very disturbing, for it both reflects the apparent urge among some organ professionals to cross crucial ethical boundaries and promotes public confusion about when someone can be properly declared dead. It involves heart transplants from babies and implies . . . . Continue Reading »

More Proof of Need for Animal Research

From First Thoughts

As if it were really needed, here is further proof that animal research is absolutely necessary to the alleviation of human suffering and finding treatments for terrible afflictions: Scientsts have been able to recreate Alzheimer’s disease in mouse models which will permit the affliction to be . . . . Continue Reading »