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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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The Harsh Values of Health Care Rationing

From First Thoughts

The Oregonian is trying to defend the Oregon Medicaid rationing scheme and its offer to pay for the assisted suicides of patients for whom it denied life-extending chemotherapy. The idea behind the Oregon scheme was to expand coverage to people who were not the poorest of the poor, but at the cost . . . . Continue Reading »

The Manuscript is Turned In!

From First Thoughts

Finally. It was several years in the making, but I have just electronically turned in my manuscript of the animal rights book to the publisher. It came in at between 90,000 and 100,000 words, not surprising given that “short-winded” is not exactly my strong suit.I can’t tell you . . . . Continue Reading »

"Stunning" Adult Stem Cell Success

From First Thoughts

When the MSM declares an adult stem cell success “stunning,” as the Washington Post headline does, you know it is a new day. In mice, scientists were able to transform adult cells into stem cells—from within the body! From the story: Scientists have transformed one type of fully . . . . Continue Reading »

Science Helps Paralyzed People Walk

From First Thoughts

So much good is happening in science that has nothing to do with controversial areas such as human cloning—that lest we forget that most scientific research is not controversial—I feel duty-bound to bring it to the attention of SHSers. Case in wonderful point: An engineer, who is himself . . . . Continue Reading »