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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Advocating for Special Needs Children

From First Thoughts

I wasn’t going to opine about Governor Sarah Palin’s speech, but I think one comment deserves highlighting: Having given birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome, Palin said:Sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenge. And children with special needs inspire a special love.To the . . . . Continue Reading »

Killing for Organs: More Analysis

From First Thoughts

I have written from time to time about the drive within some in the organ transplantation and bioethics communities to do away with the dead donor rule in order to permit patients to be killed for their organs. I expand on that in this article published in the Center for Bioethics newsletter. From . . . . Continue Reading »

To Prevent Suicide: Keep in Touch

From First Thoughts

This makes so much sense. According to the World Health Organization, keeping in touch with suicidal people after they were initially treated, saves lives. From the story: In its latest bulletin, the U.N. agency said 85 percent of suicide attempts took place in developing countries. Worldwide, it . . . . Continue Reading »

The "Obama Straddle" on Assisted Suicide

From First Thoughts

As the election progresses, I will attempt to present the positions of the candidates on issues germane to human exceptionalism, assisted suicide, animal rights, health care rationing, in short, all of the grist we grind here at SHS.This morning, I did a quick search on Obama and assisted suicide . . . . Continue Reading »