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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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The New Slavery: Chinese Style

From First Thoughts

Standing up for human exceptionalism means fighting slavery and other forms of naked human exploitation. In this regard, Peter Hitchens, the UK writer, has a very disturbing piece out about how the Chinese are exploiting the poorest in Africa in what can charitably be called a new colonialism, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Court: Suicide Assisters Can Inherit

From First Thoughts

This is definitely bad policy, but it was probably the right decision by the court: A Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that a relatives who may have assisted a suicide can still inherit from his estate. From the story:The wife and daughter of a Wisconsin man who committed suicide can inherit his . . . . Continue Reading »

Lead Into Gold: IPSCs Pass Another Hurdle

From First Thoughts

IPSCs were first created in humans only about 10 1/2 months ago. Yet, hurdles to their full use in regenerative medicine fall at a rate not seen with ESCR or, for sure, therapeutic cloning. And now another one. From the story: Scientists are reporting today that they have overcome a major obstacle . . . . Continue Reading »