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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Village Voice Lays Off Nat Hentoff

From First Thoughts

Ever wonder why print media is sinking beneath the waves? Here’s an example. The Village Voice has laid off my pal Nat Hentoff, who has churned out thoughtful and even prescient columns there for 50 years. From the story:The troubled Village Voice laid off three employees Tuesday, including . . . . Continue Reading »

End the Bias: We Need Newspapers

From First Thoughts

It is no secret that the newspaper business is in severe trouble. A big part of the problem is technological: The Internet has destroyed the classified sections, for example, and many younger people no longer read newspapers, causing circulation to decline.But in my view, another huge issue is . . . . Continue Reading »