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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Geron ESCR Drug Approved for Human Trial

From First Thoughts

Well after years of saying it was coming, finally Geron got permission to attempt a human trial of its ESC-derived drug for acute spinal cord injury. (This is not a direct infusion of stem cells, but of a type of adult neural stem cell created by differentiating the ES cells.) This is not an . . . . Continue Reading »

A New "Haleigh Poutre" in Texas?

From First Thoughts

SHS’s good friend, attorney Jerri Ward, is gearing up to fight a case in Texas that is eerily reminiscent of the Haleigh Poutre case. An attorney ad litem for a terribly abused baby named David Coronado Jr., wanted to stop all treatment because the baby is expected to remain profoundly . . . . Continue Reading »

A Tale of Two Cadaver Cell Trials

From First Thoughts

In the UK, an adult stem cell trial using cadaver cells will begin seeking to cure blindness. From the story:[[A] two-year trial involving 20 patients with corneal blindness will begin this month at the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh and the Gartnavel General Hospital in Glasgow. The . . . . Continue Reading »