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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Obama: No Clones? Not Really.

From First Thoughts

President Obama lifted the Bush ESCR restrictions—unleashing gushing hyperbole in the media and among “the scientists” about the technology that I frankly don’t have time to deconstruct. But Drudge is touting his promise of no cloning. From the story:President Barack Obama . . . . Continue Reading »

Pushing Eugenics as "Smart Science"

From First Thoughts

Bioethicist Jacob M. Appel, who has written that mentally ill people should not be denied the “opportunities” to commit assisted suicide, now pushes mandatory pre-implatation genetic testing in all IVF fertility treatments in order to weed out the unfit (my term) and for whom care would . . . . Continue Reading »