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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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WJS: Skunk at the Earth Day Party

From First Thoughts

As usual, I find myself the skunk at the party. As the world celebrates Earth Day, that term has become a bit ominous. Environmentalism is devolving into an increasingly anti-human movement that could end up costing the human race dearly. I have a piece on the matter in today’s NRO called . . . . Continue Reading »

Media Fall for "Cloning" Hype—Again!

From First Thoughts

How many times are the media going to act as Charlie Brown to would-be cloners’ Lucy Van Pelt promising to hold the football? First it was the Raelians making utter and complete fools out of media all over the world by claiming that the first cloned baby named “Eve” had been born. . . . . Continue Reading »

Let Embryos be Embryos

From First Thoughts

Considering the continual revisionist biology about what constitutes a human embryo we have heard in the halls of Congress and from among some members of the science intelligentsia, I thought it worth revisiting an old Nature editorial that decries the sophistic attempt within bioethics and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Where’s the Outrage, Madame Speaker?

From First Thoughts

Last month, Tim Kaine the Governor of Virginia, signed into law a bill that prohibits the state from funding embryonic stem cell research . From the story : Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has signed a bill into law banning the use of some state funds for . . . . Continue Reading »