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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Changes Coming to SHS

From First Thoughts

In the next few weeks, if all goes according to plan, you will notice some changes around here at SHS. My site will be added to the First Things family of blogs, which should increase our already steadily growing traffic and may—I’m not sure about this—change our look. I believe . . . . Continue Reading »

Hyenas are People Too

From First Thoughts

Human exceptionalism is under furious assault on many fronts, with advocates who seek to dismantle it, zealously looking for any and every sign that we are no different, really, from animals.One of the newest memes in this regard is that animals are moral beings—just like us. I bring this up . . . . Continue Reading »

Barone Nails That New Time Religion

From First Thoughts

When science becomes ideology or quasi-religion, it ceases to be science and becomes something else. The brilliant political analyst Michael Barone has weighed in on this concern in a new column (which also deals with gun control, beyond our scope here). He notes that despite the constant . . . . Continue Reading »