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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Nietzsche Opposed Human Exceptionalism Too

From First Thoughts

The nihilism unleashed by Nietzsche has caused more harm and suffering than can ever be measured. It turns out that much of the themes of anti-human exceptionalism we see today come right out of his playbook. For example, last week I criticized a University of Wisconsin professor named Deborah Blum . . . . Continue Reading »

A Few More Photos of Pescadero, Plus

From First Thoughts

I have been asked in repeated communications to post a few more photos from my recent short R and R to Pescadero. It only takes one, if that! So, here is an encore:These were some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen:A pumping station in the wetlands that has seen better days:This mini . . . . Continue Reading »

The Beauty of the Pescadero, California

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette and I needed to get away and relax: So, we escaped to a coast town south of San Francisco called Pescadero for a night of Bed and Breakfast. I have a new camera, so I thought I’d see what it could do. Here are a few of the pics with which I am most pleased. I hope you are . . . . Continue Reading »