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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

RSS Feed

Please Be Patient With Bugs

From First Thoughts

We continue to struggle with the bugs, but things are improving. Spacing, obviously, is a problem. But repairs continue to be made.Commenting is still inconvenient. To comment, just open the permalink by left clicking on the title, and that will permit comments. Eventually, that problem will also be . . . . Continue Reading »


From First Thoughts

I was first drawn into fighting assisted suicide when a depressed elderly friend committed suicide under the influence of Hemlock Society literature. Not only had the group’s suicide-porn given Frances moral permission to kill herself, but they had taught her precisely how to do it.These kinds . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Subscribe

From First Thoughts

I don’t know if subscribers will have to subscribe again because of the move to FT. But just in case: For anyone wishing to subscribe to SHS, simply put the cursor over the “blogrss” link on the right side of the page, and left click. To paraphrase Lauren Bacall to Bogey, . . . . Continue Reading »

Comments Now Possible

From First Thoughts

The kinks continue to be worked out of the system. Commenting is now possible, but not yet from the home page. To comment, put your mouse on the title and go to the permalink. You will be able to comment from there. Sorry for the inconvenience.The site is continuing to be constructed. We will get . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bugs in the System

From First Thoughts

Well, the bugs we knew would appear have infested the basement. Commenting right now doesn’t work. I had trouble uploading a photo to go with the last post. And so far, the comments from the Blogger version of SHS have not transported here. But these things will all work themselves out.The . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Has Moved To First Things

From First Thoughts

Well, the moving van has come and SHS is now ensconced in our new home at First Things. We still have a little unpacking to do. There will be a few bugs for a few days before everything is back to normal. But I am looking forward to an engaging experience.For new readers: Welcome. The first question . . . . Continue Reading »