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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Suicide as “a Gift”

From First Thoughts

The media push suicide as an acceptable answer to human difficulty. The latest example is a column by St. Louis Post Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan, who extols the suicide of an elderly man as a “gift” because of the discussion about mortality it inspired.  Think of the message . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide as a “Gift”

From First Thoughts

The media are suicide promoters—in the way some journalists report stories about assisted suicide, and especially among the punditry, so many of whom extol suicide in their columns.Case in point, St. Louis Post Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan, who extols an elderly man’s suicide . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cells: Lines that Divide Available

From First Thoughts

The Center for Bioethics and Culture is distributing the documentary Lines That Divide: The Great Embryonic Stem Cell Debate, about embryonic stem cell research.  From the film’s summary:First, the viewer is introduced to the basic science of stem cells and how they are gathered for . . . . Continue Reading »