Valerie Wohlfeld
My father holds a panel of glassbetween us: we are both bathed blue.Wordlessly, we let the light passthrough. Where blade scores, glass breaks true. Cut pieces are placed side by side.Burnished, their edges touch through foiland lead. Coils of thin smoke dividethe air above us. From such has come . . . . Continue Reading »
Walking the sea, I think of the small diaspora of the hermit crab, and the unshackled shell. I think of the sealed spiral, niche and cupola the nautilus crafts as if the ether windowed spirit level. I think of the mollusk that lets the coffined pearl, blind eye white as albumen”grow. Walking . . . . Continue Reading »
Love the lovely boomerang remands, in command and countermand, circumnavigations that sang exile and reply out of the waiving hand. The little hertz of heartbeat (or the singing voice in graph) so necessary, so obsolete like the deads last telegraph. Love the lovely boomerang, mahogany curved . . . . Continue Reading »
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