Robert P. George
Well, in case there was any doubt, we now have an ex cathedra announcement from the hierarchy of the New York Times : “At some point, the church will accept contraception and female and non-celibate priests. Could it be in the next papacy?” — Nicholas . . . . Continue Reading »
National Review , the flagship journal of the conservative movement, has published an editorial that is broadly sympathetic to the Justice Department’s “white paper” laying out the Obama administration’s legal argument for the targeted killings of individuals (including U.S. . . . . Continue Reading »
Those of us who are fans of pro football don’t want to think about the subject of this article on sex trafficking as we prepare to enjoy the Super Bowl, but we must. The scale of the trafficking of women—-often girls—-into sexual slavery and other forms of exploitation in . . . . Continue Reading »
Thomas Sowell tells it like it is on Benghazi-gate. But Professor Sowell is a conservative and a Republican. Where are the voices of our liberal and Democratic friends and fellow citizens? Why the lack of curiosity about critical questions of governmental responsibility and accountability? Why . . . . Continue Reading »
I was struck yesterday, on the 40th memorial of Roe v. Wade, by several statements by those favoring legal abortion who stressed the “need to protect the right to choose for the sake of our daughters.” Our daughters. Hmmmm . . . . Every child (or, if you prefer, since it changes . . . . Continue Reading »
In a post at CNN’s Belief Blog, a young Evangelical urged Christians to “shrug off” the fact that an Evangelical pastor was apparently disinvited by the President’s Inaugural Committee to pray at the inauguration because of his Christian convictions on sexual morality. We disagree. … Continue Reading »
Shortly before his death, Richard John Neuhaus, speaking at the annual convention of the National Right to Life Committee, delivered what I believe to be the greatest pro-life speech ever given. It will inspire the pro-life faithful of all traditions and stations until the field is . . . . Continue Reading »
Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of the death of Richard John Neuhaus. Those who knew him intimately and those who knew him only through his writings share the pain of his loss. Since he was irreplaceable, it is scarcely a surprise that no one has taken his place in American . . . . Continue Reading »
My book with Sherif Girgis and Ryan Anderson, What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense , was recently published by Encounter Books. Brandon Vogt has now interviewed me for Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly about the principal themes, claims, and arguments my co-authors and I . . . . Continue Reading »
So now, it seems, we have rather a good test for the elite media. We know how reporters and commentators would be reacting to this story on the arrest of an Occupy Wall Street protestor and his girlfriend if the people arrested were (or were thought to be) tea party activists, do we not? So . . . . Continue Reading »
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