Nathaniel Peters
I Am with You Always by Benedict Groeschel Ignatius, $37.95, 507 pages From the New Testament to the present, Christian theology has sought to explain and describe the believers encounter with Jesus. This basic theological project stands at the center of I Am with You Always , an introduction . . . . Continue Reading »
Cloud of Witnesses: Dead People I Knew When They Were Alive by george william rutler scepter, 172 pages, $9.95 As the Victorians enjoyed collecting curiosities, so Fr. George Rutler enjoys collecting curious people. In this book he walks us through the specimens he keeps under glass. One might be . . . . Continue Reading »
Money, Greed, And God: Why Capitalism Is The Solution And Not The Problem by Jay W. Richards HarperOne, 255 pages, $24.99 Jay W. Richards channels the spirit of Michael Novak and provides a basic introduction to how and why a Christian can be a capitalist. Because man is made in the image of a . . . . Continue Reading »
Universe of Stone: A Biography of Chartres Cathedral by Philip Ball Harper, 322 pages, $27.95 An inquisitive reader wanting to learn the history of Chartres Cathedral might pick out the classic Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres as the place to start. Henry Adams book, however, tells us more . . . . Continue Reading »
Right now I’m in FT contributing writer Gary A. Anderson’s introductory Old Testament course at Notre Dame. Our homework for tomorrow includes detailed biblical criticism of Genesis 111. And this: . . . . Continue Reading »
Diogenes writes : A Vermont woman named Patricia Blair has suffered a tragedy: Her unborn twins were killed in an auto accident. Blairwho survived, obviouslythinks that the driver who caused the accident should be prosecuted for the death of her children. But you see the problem: If . . . . Continue Reading »
Over at Get Religion , Terry Mattingly notes an exceptional interview with Pittsburgh Steelers safety Troy Polamaluexceptional for the way it portrays his faith in an honest and thoughtful way. A sample: If Paisios [Polamalu’s son] had the calling to become an Orthodox priest and not a . . . . Continue Reading »
A few weeks ago Fr. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P. was ordained to the episcopate in a grand ceremony in Washington, DC. Before he was an Archbishop, the new Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments wrote Jesus and the World Religions , . . . . Continue Reading »
A note to clergy performing public blessings: The microphone is not an aspergillum. Via American Papist P.S. The video says Cardinal Fail, but the prelate in question is some kind of non-cardinal bishop. . . . . Continue Reading »
At Public Discourse, Carson Holloway questions the analogy between Brown v. Board of Education and a future court case to legalize same-sex marriage: In Brown v. Board of Education , for example, the Supreme Court delivered an important victory for racial justice by striking down segregation in . . . . Continue Reading »
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