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A Bit of Legal Humor

From First Thoughts

The Volokh Conspiracy highlights a funny passage from Morse v. State on the use of big words in legal proceedings: As to the other objection — that the language is abstractly incorrect — if incorrectness from a legal standpoint is intended, the objection may be disposed of by citing . . . . Continue Reading »

Levant’s Testimony before the HRC

From First Thoughts

We’ve mentioned the Canadian Human Rights commissions before on our blog, and the most recent issue of First Things has an article on the topic by Douglass Farrow called ” Kangaroo Canada ” (subscription required). But today I discovered videos of testimony Ezra Levant gave before . . . . Continue Reading »

California and the Marriage Amendment

From First Thoughts

The Claremont Institute’s Bradley C.S. Watson has an article on ISI’s First Principles web journal on the need for a federal amendment defining the nature of marriage. The heart of his argument is twofold. First, Watson predicts, judicial fiat will override the decisions of voters in . . . . Continue Reading »

Osteen, Schori, and American Heresy

From First Thoughts

Ross Douthat, an occasional FT contributor and assistant editor at the Atlantic has some interesting comments on Joseph Bottum’s ” The Death of Protestant America .” I think he is right in claiming that the more “conservative” economic fulfillment gospel and the more . . . . Continue Reading »

Messiah Has Come!

From First Thoughts

Or rather, he came to Europe and has now returned to our shores to grace us once more with his blessed presence. The Times (London) had a delightful piece on his messianic visit across the pond: The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family, offspring of a miraculous union, . . . . Continue Reading »

Lambeth Approaches

From First Thoughts

Jordan Hylden recently wrote about the many serious issues at stake in the upcoming Lambeth Conference. But on a lighter note, a friend of mine showed me a cartoon by Dan Walker, the Cartoonist-in-Residence for Lambeth 2008, depicting the less serious side of preparing for episcopal conferences. . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s OK to Hate Contemporary Music

From First Thoughts

So says the critic Joe Queenan in the Guardian (via Arts & Letters Daily ). After 40 years and 1500 concerts, Queenan doesn’t think much of the taste of the average concert-goer, but he also doesn’t like much of contemporary composition either. When beauty, order, and meaning have been . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Lifers in the NAACP

From First Thoughts

Today in the Wall Street Journal William McGurn writes on the growing number of African-American pro-lifers, many of whom are alarmed at the disproportionate number of abortions in the black community: A fact sheet from the Guttmacher Institute puts it this way: “Black women are 4.8 times as . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Catholic Guy”

From First Thoughts

At the Papal Youth Rally back in April, my colleague Amanda Shaw and I managed to sneak into the press section. We dodged the Secret Service in part by being interviewed by some folks from Sirius Satellite Radio’s The Catholic Channel who were on hand to cover the event, and in part by their . . . . Continue Reading »