Meghan Duke
I recommend heading straight for the poetry. Mary Ellen is certainly right to point out Dana Gioia’s “Majority” as one of the gems of this issue. I also enjoyed Tim Murphy’s bracing advice in ” Farm Boy, Call Kayla ” and Rhina P. Espaillat’s tribute to him . . . . Continue Reading »
At St. Therese of Lisieuxthe oldest of the Discalced Carmelite foundations in California, located in Alhambra, a small city in the San Gabriel Valley region near Los Angelesthe Saturday 5 p.m. vigil Mass seemed marked by the motif of drawing to a close . Fr. Jan Lundberg, OCD, the . . . . Continue Reading »
A good cartoon ought to make its reader shake with laughter, but that was neither the intention nor the effect of the twelve cartoons depicting the face of Muhammad, published by the Danish newspaper Jylsend-Posten in September 2005. Over the course of five months, the cartoons became the impetus for Muslim protests and riots across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East that ultimately resulted in the deaths of more than two hundred people. The cartoons stood at the center of what seemed to be a monumental clash between the Wests reverential respect for free speech and Muslim piety… . Continue Reading »
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