Joseph Knippenberg
President Obama has been tireless in speaking about and promoting religious tolerance. Our religious diversity, he contends, is a source of our strength, so long as we act in accordance with our heritage of religious toleration. Here’s how he put it in his Inaugural Address : . . . . Continue Reading »
In an important article , Allan Hertzke reflects on the threats to religious liberty in the aftermath of the CLS v. Martinez decision. While he admires Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in that case, he wonders if we are not now reaping what Scalia sowed back in 1990, with his opinion for the . . . . Continue Reading »
Constructing or Reconstructing American Conservatism: Must We Throw Out the Baby with the Bathwater?
From First ThoughtsAlways penetrating and provocative, my good friend Patrick Deneen has, once again penetrated and provoked, this time in a brief essay entitled ” Is There a Conservative Tradition in America? ” Heres his summary of what seem to constitute the “core commitments” of . . . . Continue Reading »
Conservatism pairs God and country, observes the legendary Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr., while cosmopolitan liberalism chooses universal empathy rather than patriotism and human rights or humanity rather than God. The cosmopolitan liberal pairing is perhaps more consistent than its conservative counterpart… . Continue Reading »
In an important decision handed down last week, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals rebuked Colorado for its handling of a number of state scholarships programs. The court found that the state unconstitutionally discriminated against students attending Colorado Christian University (CCU) and Naropa . . . . Continue Reading »
The other day, I visited with my father-in-law and watched the television news¯something I rarely do, but a good way of catching up with the conventional wisdom about current events. From the talking heads, I learned that Barack Obama is doing what every conventionally smart candidate does . . . . Continue Reading »
As word of an appellate decision¯ In re Rachel L. ¯in California got around earlier this month, homeschoolers around the country reacted with incredulity and outrage. Ruling on a petition filed by attorneys representing the youngest two of eight homeschooled children, the judicial panel . . . . Continue Reading »
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