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David P. Goldman is a senior editor of First Things.

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Something Israel Cannot Do

From Web Exclusives

“Both sides,” wrote my colleague R.R. Reno in “Bad Dreams,” his “On the Square” entry yesterday, “recognize that the future outlines of a Palestinian state will roughly follow the 1967 boundaries, with a few square miles (perhaps fewer) in East Jerusalem as the (admittedly very) wild card.” … Continue Reading »

Junk Arguments from Fr. Schrott

From First Thoughts

The German word Schrott means “junk;” the serendipitously-named Fr. Raymond A. Schroth S.J., offers junk arguments for  the dissolution of the State of Israel. Writing Nov. 15 on the website of America magazine, he proposes the dissolution of the Jewish State in favor of a single . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Zoellick is Magnificently Right

From First Thoughts

(Crossposted from World Bank president got it exactly right:HONG KONG (MarketWatch) –- The president of the World Bank said in a newspaper editorial Monday that the Group of 20 leading economies should consider adopting a global reserve currency based on gold as part of . . . . Continue Reading »

Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim

From First Thoughts

Rumors keep surfacing on the fringe of American politics that President Obama is a secret Muslim, including a recent video that has gone viral on Youtube. It involves an Israeli author, Avi Lipkin, who claims that his wife (who supposedly monitors Arab-language broadcasts professionally) heard a . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Souls in One Breast

From the November 2010 Print Edition

The German Genius by peter watson harpercollins, 964 pages, $35 What went wrong in Germany? How did the country with the world’s best universities produce the worst political regime in human history? It’s a question many have asked. Peter Watson, however, wants to recall what was right in . . . . Continue Reading »