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Christine Emba
As the debates surrounding contraception have pressed further into the public view, so has a curiosity about natural family planning. Roman roulette played according to the calendar-based “rhythm method” used to be the only game in town, but medical advances have brought new, more-reliable methods for those seeking to plan pregnancy without the usual barriers, pills, and rings. With new methods has come new interest, not just from the rare Catholic couple attentive to the Church’s teaching but from organically minded couples looking to further “green” their lifestyle, and from Protestant Christians reconsidering their faith or family size. Continue Reading »
December 1 is World AIDS Day , held annually to raise awareness of the spread of HIV/AIDS and its nearly 35 million victims worldwide. In advance of this year’s World AIDS Day, Craig McClure, Chief of the HIV & AIDS Section for UNICEF hosted an Ask Me Anything live chat on . . . . Continue Reading »
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