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Ampontan: A Great Blog

From First Thoughts

So what are your favorite blogs for keeping up with events in a particular area or nation? Probably the best one I know of is Ampontan , about Japan.  With the year anniversary of the Triple Disaster (i.e., Fukushima) coming up next week, there will be plenty of vacuous Economist -grade quick . . . . Continue Reading »

Syria Links

From First Thoughts

One of the best commenters to grace our site, Anymouse, mentions below the possibility of a genocide of Alawites and Christians if Assad falls. He mentions this in response to my thanking President Obama for the most upfront official U.S. prediction of Assad’s fall yet. The best overview . . . . Continue Reading »

Good for President Obama

From First Thoughts

This interview over at the Atlantic is worth reading, for two reasons: 1) Our president implies throughout that Iran won’t be allowed to complete a nuclear weapon. 2) Our president says outright that he and his team do not expect Syria’s Assad to remain in power. Yes, Barack . . . . Continue Reading »

Lucy Ramirez Strikes Again!

From First Thoughts

Yet again, poor do-gooder journalists, and this time, climate Scientists too, who only ever do good, have been fooled into thinking that a concocted document is an authentic one, a document that would have made certain “conservatives” (global warming skeptics, actually) look very bad . . . . Continue Reading »


From First Thoughts

1. Found a cool new blog today: Pundit and Pundette. Classy. Christian-friendly. Links to lots of good music. 2. One of the things I’m reading right now is the new Brookhiser bio of James Madison . It seems to have been overlooked a bit, but it’s quite good. Tasty morsels on what an . . . . Continue Reading »

Taylor on Havel

From First Thoughts

A great man, the Czech statesman and playwright Vaclav Havel, died this December, and for whatever reason, his death received very little notice in America. So do the man justice, and listen to this recent Manhattan Institute podcast about him, featuring Flagg Taylor, dissident expert . . . . Continue Reading »