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Siegel and the Songbook

From First Thoughts

It goes without saying that Fred Siegel should be reading my Rock Songbook, which underlines the middle-class mediocrity of most rock, even as it defends, with respect to music, the low, the high, and even the middle-brow version of the high. He could go to my last post , about the tensions between . . . . Continue Reading »

Wendell Berry Week

From First Thoughts

It’s been a Berry-filled week, in the aftermath of his Jefferson Lecture last Monday, which I’ve yet to read in full. For one, there was an affectionate puff piece in the NYT , a fine introduction to the man, and of course on Tuesday I drove over the hill for my bi-monthly fill of . . . . Continue Reading »

Bloom on Pop Music

From First Thoughts

Emily Esfahani Smith, a gal with a middle name to remember, has a nice review of the high points of Allan Bloom’s take-down of rock/pop music in his Closing of the American Mind , which has a 25th anniversary this year. Worth pondering if you haven’t read Bloom’s masterpiece, or . . . . Continue Reading »

No Obama Did Not

From First Thoughts

The key Obama quote: “I’d just remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is, the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint — that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed . . . . Continue Reading »