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Will Smith on American Exceptionalism

From First Thoughts

Again, here at pomocon what we really want is for you to read all 28 erudite pages of Jim’s piece. Really. It’s quite accessible, too. But for you lazy ones out there seeking a good laugh, another reason to like Will Smith, and a more, er . . . bottom-line expression of American . . . . Continue Reading »

No Left Turns Retires

From First Thoughts

The Ashbrook Center blog No Left Turns is calling it a day . All good things must come to an end, and good internet things sometimes must come to an end sooner. It is not too anthropomorphic to say that, along with the original James Poulos-authored Postmodern Conservative, No Left Turns was the . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Nerdy Professor Query

From First Thoughts

So John figured out quick that the numbers below were the most typically assigned Federalist Papers: had I listed 10, 39, and 51, it would have been even more obvious. So now, the question is, which Federalist Paper, outside of the more commonly read ones, do you find the most interesting? . . . . Continue Reading »

Numerology Quiz

From First Thoughts

Okay, pomocon readers, what is the significance of the following number sequence? 1 2 6 9 10 15 23 39 47 48 49 51 55 62 63 70 71 78 Hint: this has something to do with a piece much-linked-to today in the conservative blogosphere. . . . . Continue Reading »