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More Manent

From First Thoughts

From the City Journal, this time, a full essay, with a title that says it all “City, Empire, Church, Nation.”    Here’s a taste: During the premodern era, competing political forms—the city, the empire, and the Church—checked one another, so it was necessary to . . . . Continue Reading »

More on East Asian Islet Jitters

From First Thoughts

Well I couldn’t resist (ineptly) posting that photo of the reef-rock that China and the Philippines both claim, but doing so perhaps made the topic seem more humorous than it really is. Bottom line 1: you gotta watch China on every geo-strategic front, and the “spontaneous” . . . . Continue Reading »

Federalist #6 in East Asian Waters

From First Thoughts

The causes of hostility among nations are innumerable. Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #6 Words to ponder as Chinese protesters , and then Japanese protestors occupy the various rocks that make up the Senkaku Islands. The second of those links is to a Telegraph story that shows why this latest . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Classiest of Courtesans”

From First Thoughts

Aspasia, eat your heart out. Charlotte Allen awards the palm to Helen Gurley Brown. No, I am not that interested in the woman, but Allen’s portrait of Brown at The Weekly Standard provides a corrective of sorts to the Florence King one I linked to below, by emphasizing the gap between Brown . . . . Continue Reading »

The Party of Shrug

From First Thoughts

Okay, so this Victor Davis Hanson round-up of liberal elite and Democratic Party moral failures , including several egregious plagiarism cases such as the recent Fareed Zakaria, is Red Meat, I admit it. But still, what is up with liberal America these days? Why doesn’t it discipline its . . . . Continue Reading »

China Pessimism

From First Thoughts

A Sinophile Brit who made a serious go of integrating himself into Chinese society, it seems mainly for his wife’s and childrens’ sake, decides its past time to get out . Predicts a property bubble burst among other coming calamities. Worth reading in full, in part to be reminded of . . . . Continue Reading »

Democrats of Stature: Anybody? Anybody?

From First Thoughts

Paul Rahe speculates that Obama might want to replace Biden as VP, and especially with a dramatic and game-changing choice, which could only be . . . . . . Hillary! Yeah, that’s a forced exclamation point, because speculation about how to figure the Hillary-Bill-Barry dynamics is a very . . . . Continue Reading »

By the Way, Obama Will Win

From First Thoughts

Did you notice Peter Lawler dropped that into the Cruz McDonnell thread below? Minor detail that. So what do y’all make of it? Peter has a pretty good track record of predicting GOP doom.  He smelled the 2006 disaster well ahead of most, even if I do recall his . . . . Continue Reading »