Anthony Sacramone
Film at eleven . Outrageous! Next thing you know they’ll be telling us that spaghetti really comes from China, or that french fries come from Belgium, or that Catherinie d’Medici’s Florentine chefs are really the inventors of French cuisine! Or worse : That the fortunes in fortune . . . . Continue Reading »
Fair enough, Jody, but I did make the distinction between the inchoate form and the finished work, and also the role an artist’s oeuvre might play in granting a special status even to unfinished work. (As for the title: How else am I going to get those RSS feeder readers to click?) As for the . . . . Continue Reading »
Slate’s Ron Rosenbaum has this about his interaction with Dmitri Nabokov, son of the late writer Vladimir Nabokov. It seems that Dmitri was instructed by his father to burn the latter’s index-carded notes for a work entitled The Original of Laura . Dmitri, quite naturally, has had . . . . Continue Reading »
An Iranian Muslim has directed a film about Jesus: Jesus, the Spirit of God . Of course, this Jesus is just one of the many many Jesuses the world has concocted in an effort to circumvent the sin and sacrifice business, and because, well, everyone has to deal with Jesus eventually. So this Jesus is . . . . Continue Reading »
Got your attention, didn’t I? Well, it’s not what you think. The twin teens are Alex and Brett Harris , and they’re Web geeks for Huckabee. These young evangelicals have a history of organizing online communities with a focus on motivating a young Christian base to get involved . . . . Continue Reading »
Robert: Sorry, ain’t buyin’ it . She couldn’t be impartial because SHE’S AGAINST CRIME? Look, there were plenty of people there who made up some story for the sake of beating jury duty—but no one in that room believed she couldn’t be impartial in that particular . . . . Continue Reading »
. . . from jury duty, but not before witnessing this exchange between the judge and a recent graduate from law school. Judge: Can you be a fair and impartial juror on this case? Potential Juror: No. Judge: Why not? Potential Juror: Because I’m against crime. Now I would have followed up with: . . . . Continue Reading »
Well, that’s not really my call. But Olbermann thinks nothing of electing candidates for the title on his unwatchable, histrionic TV show. Most recently, he decided that the worst person in the WORLD is Wendy Wright , president of Concerned Women for America (CWA) . Even if CWA is not your . . . . Continue Reading »
So the Coen Brothers, currently responsible for one of the most overrated films in release today , are working on a spaghetti western . For those unfamiliar with this subgenre, it is composed of “westerns” made by Italian directors, mostly in the 1960s, that have some fun with the . . . . Continue Reading »
. . . and it’s incredibly annoying. Paul McCain over at his Cyberbrethren blog hearts Amazon’s Kindle. It seems that the days of the paper book, periodical, and newspaper are numbered. Feh! I remember when they said 8-track tapes were doomed. My 8-tracks work just fine THANK YOU VERY . . . . Continue Reading »
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