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How Happiness Studies Lets Us Down

J. Budziszewski

Demand elicits supply. The demand I have in mind is the demand for happiness: Suicide rates are up, depression is up, and though people today seek to be happy,...

The Lessons of Fr. Paul Mankowski

Mary Eberstadt

Paul Mankowski, S.J., who died unexpectedly four years ago this past fall, was the kind of priest who seemed to spring from pages of the best Catholic fiction—a larger-than-life...

Letters – February 2025


Gendered Proclivities Rhys Laverty (“Lady Scrooges,” December 2024) was perceptive in pointing out that women helped build today’s unforgiving cancel culture. On the other hand, the feminism responsible is...

Farewell to Liberal-Imperial Diplomacy

Philip Pilkington

In late June 2022, a small rubber dinghy sailed down the Danube River in Budapest, past the Hungarian Parliament. It displayed a sign: “Mr. Pressman, don’t colonize Hungary with...

AI and the Unhappy Society

James Hankins

Recently I had an experience that I suppose is becoming increasingly common. The large, publicly traded energy company that has taken control of gas and electric utilities in my...

No Method but Christ

Hans Boersma

When I try to explain to people why we need to recover patristic interpretation, the biggest obstacle I face is the desire of my interlocutors to establish the one,...


Liel Leibovitz

Though they probably don’t realize it, many Americans spent the tail end of 2024 engaged in a serious theological debate about the nature of evil. This being America, the...


Nathan Pinkoski

Dawn’s Early Light:Taking Back Washington to Save Americaby kevin d. robertsbroadside, 304 pages, $32 When Kevin Roberts became president of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, he set out to...

Declaring Independence

Matthew Schmitz

American Heretics:Religious Adversaries of Liberal Orderby jerome e. copulskyyale, 384 pages, $40 In the summer of 1775, amidst the heat of revolution, two hundred armed men gathered in Prince...

The Church of Empathy

Carl R. Trueman

Circle of Hope:A Reckoning with Love, Power, and Justice in an American Churchby eliza griswoldfarrar, straus and giroux, 352 pages, $20 Circle of Hope is a Philadelphia church that...

The Death and Life of Bohemia

Matthew Gasda

Talkin’ Greenwich Village:The Heady Rise and Slow Fall of America’s Bohemian Music Capitalby david brownehachette, 352 pages, $32.50 I moved to New York in 2011 and started hanging out in...

Goethe’s Bargain

Sebastian Milbank

Goethe:His Faustian Lifeby a. n. wilsonbloomsbury, 416 pages, $35 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is among the most confusing and compelling of all European figures, but one thing everyone can...

Orthodoxy at War

John P. Burgess

St. Sophia Cathedral is quiet and almost empty when I step inside on a wintry morning. Saints in icons on the walls and pillars stare at me. A huge...

Forgiveness: A Statement by Jews and Christians


In January 2023, a group of Jewish and Christian scholars met to form a circle of study and conversation. We shared an important conviction. As divergent as our faith...

Parents Can’t Fight Porn Alone

Clare Morell Brad Littlejohn

Madi grew up in a religious home, blessed with attentive parents who took the dangers of technology seriously. They installed filters on her devices and required her to hand...