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Nathan Pinkoski

Dawn’s Early Light:Taking Back Washington to Save Americaby kevin d. robertsbroadside, 304 pages, $32 When Kevin Roberts became president of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, he set out to...

Declaring Independence

Matthew Schmitz

American Heretics:Religious Adversaries of Liberal Orderby jerome e. copulskyyale, 384 pages, $40 In the summer of 1775, amidst the heat of revolution, two hundred armed men gathered in Prince...

The Church of Empathy

Carl R. Trueman

Circle of Hope:A Reckoning with Love, Power, and Justice in an American Churchby eliza griswoldfarrar, straus and giroux, 352 pages, $20 Circle of Hope is a Philadelphia church that...

The Death and Life of Bohemia

Matthew Gasda

Talkin’ Greenwich Village:The Heady Rise and Slow Fall of America’s Bohemian Music Capitalby david brownehachette, 352 pages, $32.50 I moved to New York in 2011 and started hanging out in...

Goethe’s Bargain

Sebastian Milbank

Goethe:His Faustian Lifeby a. n. wilsonbloomsbury, 416 pages, $35 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is among the most confusing and compelling of all European figures, but one thing everyone can...

2024: Our Year in Books

R. R. Reno Carl R. Trueman Mark Bauerlein Dan Hitchens Valerie Stivers Peter J. Leithart John Byron Kuhner

R. R. Reno I was in a Goodwill in Denver when my eyes fell upon a paperback Penguin edition of Charles Dickens’s Bleak House. I bought it, and while...

Our Most Popular Articles of 2024

The Editors

On the last day of the year, here’s a glance back at our most-read essays of 2024. This list is based on pageviews, and everything is linked—so if you...

2024: Our Year in Film and Television

Mark Bauerlein Peter Tonguette

We asked some of our editors and writers to contribute a paragraph about the most memorable films and TV shows they watched this year. Mark Bauerlein Some of the...

A Year of Reading: 2024

John Wilson

A year ago, after a series of annual lists that grew longer and longer, I changed the format of this feature, making it much more manageable in size and...

Real Persons

John F. Crosby

How to Know a Person:The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seenby david brooksrandom house, 320 pages, $30 David Brooks, an opinion columnist at the New York Times,...

Modernist Enchantment

Richard Bratby

Olivier Messiaen:A Critical Biographyby robert shollreaktion, 208 pages, $35 In May 1988, just under four years before his death, France’s greatest living composer made his only visit to Australia....

Divorce in the Gospels

Kyle Harper

Remarriage in Early Christianityby A. Andrew DasEerdmans, 384 pages, $49.99 The translation of Biblical texts requires both philological competence and interpretive skill. Hard passages of scripture put these traits...

Jordan Peterson’s “God”

Alastair Roberts

We Who Wrestle with God:Perceptions of the Divineby Jordan B. PetersonPortfolio, 576 pages, $35 A man who disbelieved the Christian story as fact but continually fed on it as myth...

Maimonides for Today

J. J. Kimche

The Guide to the Perplexed:A New Translationby moses maimonides, translated and with commentary by lenn e. goodman and phillip i. liebermanstanford university, 704 pages, $50 From Moses to Moses, there...

Changing God’s Mind

Michael C. Legaspi

The Widening of God’s Mercy:Sexuality Within the Biblical Storyby christopher b. hays and richard b. haysyale university, 288 pages, $28 Over the course of a long and fruitful career,...