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Family Policy After Roe

Yuval Levin

After half a century, the struggle against the cruel and radical abortion regime imposed on our society by the Supreme Court may be nearing its end. The pro-life movement,...

The Perils of Religious Liberty

Yuval Levin

On January 24, 1774, the young James Madison, twenty-two years old and two years out of Princeton, wrote an exasperated letter to his college friend William Bradford, who lived...

Taking the Long Way

Yuval Levin

And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them through the land of the Philistines, even though it was nearer.—Exodus...

After Progressivism

Yuval Levin

“After Progressivism” is one of three addresses given to a symposium on “After Liberalism,” put on in late February with the support of the Simon/Hertog Fund for Policy Analysis...

Nothing to See Here

Yuval Levin Eric Cohen

Whatever happened to bioethics? The decade between the cloning of Dolly the sheep and the election of Barack Obama was rife with heated public arguments about embryo research, cloning,...

Biotech: What to Expect

Yuval Levin

Over the past fifteen years, the pro-life movement has succeeded in enacting some modest limitations on embryo-destructive research. Passage of these depended heavily on Republican control of the Congress,...