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My Gideon Bible

Timothy Jacobson

My mother was notorious for it: checking out of a hotel with an item or two more than she checked in with. Years later, the contents of our drawers,...

The Kindness Challenge

Timothy Jacobson

Kindness as it is currently understood is not a virtue, which may explain why we are hammered with it everywhere these days. “Everywhere” includes the main street of the...

Why We Walk

Timothy Jacobson

The New Testament tells us that Jesus walked. In Palestine in those days, walking was the only way to go, the only way to get anywhere unless you were...

Remembering Orchestra Hall

Timothy Jacobson

Going to a concert, like going to church or a nice restaurant or traveling on a plane or an overnight train, once meant dressing up and looking your best....

Coronation and Communion

Timothy Jacobson

The reign of Elizabeth II has offered the world unique and unrelenting spectacle, inspiring numerous biographies, an Oscar-winning film (The Queen), and one of television’s most striking dramas (The...

Age of Enchantment

Timothy Jacobson

One hundred and sixty years ago, this country was fumbling into dissolution and civil war. Sixty years ago, it was fumbling with how to mark the war’s Centennial. In...

Learning From Burke in 1968

Timothy Jacobson

Sometime between my arrival at college over half a century ago and my departure four years later, the world shifted. It was impossible to miss and hard, as we...