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Uncanny Man

Thomas S. Hibbs

A Case for Irony by Jonathan Lear Harvard, 224 pages, $29.95 Not long before 9/11, a young Harvard graduate, Jedediah Purdy, published a jeremiad against irony, For Common Things...

Dim and Dimiter

Thomas S. Hibbs

Dimiter by william peter blatty forge, 304 pages, $24.99 The Exorcist—as William Peter Blatty, the now eighty-two-year-old author of the original novel and the screenplay based on it, is...

Ralph McInerny (1929—2010)

Thomas S. Hibbs

According to Aristotle, is the performance of virtuous acts with ease and delight. On that basis, as well as others, Ralph McInerny was a remarkably virtuous man. One of...

Whose Modernity? Which Revolution?

Thomas S. Hibbs

The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence By David Walsh Cambridge, 518 pages, $29.99 CHARLES TAYLOR ONCE lamented that, on the topic of modernity, scholars seem divided into...

A Place in the Cosmos

Thomas S. Hibbs

The Writings of Charles De Koninck, Volume 1 edited by Ralph McInerny University of Notre Dame Press, 496 pages, $50 Founder of the Laval school of Thomism, a school...

Mind Games

Thomas S. Hibbs

Work on Oneself: ­Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Psychology by Fergus Kerr Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press, 119 pages, $19.95 As he lay dying, awaiting a last visit from friends, Ludwig...

Annihilating Nihilism

Thomas S. Hibbs

God and the Between by William Desmond Wiley-Blackwell, 368 pages, $44.95 Running through William Desmond’s latest book”the third in a series of philosophical reflections from the Irish philosopher”is a...

What Natural Theology Isn’t

Thomas S. Hibbs

The Open Secret: A New Vision for Natural Theology by Alister E. McGrath Wiley-Blackwell, 384 pages, $94.95 Søren Kierkegaard is an example of a philosopher who resists the modern...

God Returns to French Philosophy

Thomas S. Hibbs

Counter-Experiences: Reading Jean-Luc Marion edited by Kevin Hart University of Notre Dame Press, 496 pages, $40 René Descartes is considered by many the founder of modern philosophy, but among...

Written in Stone

Thomas S. Hibbs

The Law of God: The Philosophical History of an Idea by rémi brague university of chicago, 336 pages, $35 Rémi Brague’s latest book is a learned and meticulously documented...

Modern Times

Thomas S. Hibbs

A World Beyond Politics? A Defense of the Nation-State by Pierre Manent Princeton University Press, 228 pages, $35 The novelist and sometime phil?o?sopher Walker Percy used to say that...

The Truth About Lies

Thomas S. Hibbs

Truth: A Guide by Simon Blackburn Oxford University Press, 272 pages, $25 SIMON BLACKBURN’S ABILITY to be at once engaging and rigorous is unrivaled in contemporary philosophy. As a...

The Beginning of the Journey

Thomas S. Hibbs

Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue 1913–1922by alasdair macintyrerowman & littlefield, 224 pages, $25.95 In the summer of 1921, while visiting friends, Edith Stein chanced upon the autobiography of St....

Philosophers and the Old Adam

Thomas S. Hibbs

Stanley Cavell crafted the phrase “truth in foul disguise” to describe Nietzsche’s analysis of Christianity. Stephen Mulhall’s new book, Philosophical Myths of the Fall , takes Cavell’s phrase as...