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Wedding Toast
Here’s hoping the years will be kindand plenteous; through them you findnew charms in your lover,and should you discovera flaw, you’ll be willfully blind.
No Matter Where You Go . . .
She texts atop Mount Washingtonthen switches to her headphoneswhen she descends the gulches ofthe presidential deadzones. Her solar-powered iPod Touchhas seasons five through nineof Gossip Girl in case she’s...
Drop-off Day
Make sure you give yourself a chance to grieve, A parent handout helpfully suggests. My last one’s gone; I thought she’d never leave. Children at this stage in life...
Prayer for a Meeting
Come, Holy Spirit, fill me with affection for sycophantic colleagues who pretend a boss’s remark is witty; the projection of Power Points that stray from the agenda with pie...
Anniversary In-Sink-Erator
The stream beneath the site of our proposal at Vista Valley Country Club’s faux bridge has brought us here to shop for a disposal on Friday night at Lowe’s...
Time Management
Luther in the year he spent as Junker Joerg in Wartburg towers, translated the New Testament to pass the everlasting hours. Though living as a refugee Erasmus wrote his...
Backyard Triumph
Truant from April chores I daydream in a chair beneath a tree that scatters its petals when it stirs, the way a girl might scatter blossoms before a litter...