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The Children Who Kill Children

Samuel D. James

Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, was thirty-six when he began his bombing campaign. Charles Manson was likely at least that age at the onset of his murders. John Allen...

Five Rules for Living Faithfully in the Digital Age

Samuel D. James

Conservative Christians are overdue for some hopeful predictions about the future of American culture, so here’s one: I believe that my children’s generation will be significantly less addicted to...

The Prayers of Big Data

Samuel D. James

These days it’s hard to surprise anybody with revelations about our compromised privacy in the Internet age. Nonetheless, I was still taken aback by a recent BuzzFeed investigation into...

Into the Metaverse

Samuel D. James

It’s fitting that Mark Zuckerberg’s company is no longer defined by the concept of social networks, but by an alternate reality altogether. Facebook recently announced it is changing its...

Stigmatize Social Media

Samuel D. James

For a few hours on October 4, the developed world experienced a temporary increase in emotional health and psychological peace. The reason? Facebook crashed. A major error in the...

OnlyFans and the Sexual Revolution

Samuel D. James

A few years ago I read a fascinating report from a journalist who had attended an “Adult Entertainment Convention.” He noted that there were hundreds of male fans waiting in...

The Illusion of Porn “Literacy”

Samuel D. James

Contemporary progressivism faces a pressing dilemma. It must continue the sexual revolution’s legacy of free love and sex-positivity, but it must do so in a Pornhub age, in which...

Homeschoolers and Ideologues

Samuel D. James

Harvard professor Elizabeth Bartholet’s attack on homeschooling is the kind of argument that would, if a few nouns were changed, be right at home in the very fundamentalist subcultures...