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Necessary Societies
On the Dignity of Society:Catholic Social Teaching and Natural Lawby f. russell hittinger,edited by scott j. ronigercatholic university of america, 490 pages, $39.95 On the Dignity of Society is...
Recovering Our Christian Intellectual Tradition
Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 2: On the Rational Credibility of Christianity, by Thomas Joseph White, O.P., was released on March 15. Sam Zeno Conedera, S.J., recently interviewed Fr....
Benedict’s Dilemma
In his 2005 Christmas address to the Roman Curia, the recently elected Pope Benedict XVI said that one main task of the Second Vatican Council had been to clarify...
Catholic Colonialism
Apostles of Empire:The Jesuits and New Franceby bronwen mcshea nebraska, 378 pages, $60 In Apostles of Empire, Bronwen McShea seeks to free the Jesuits of New France from what...