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How I Became the Catholic I Was

Richard John Neuhaus

The path First Things founder Richard John Neuhaus followed from a Lutheran boyhood to the Catholic priesthood was a journey home. From the April 2002 issue. This is more...

The One True Church

Richard John Neuhaus

Richard John Neuhaus died on January 8, 2009, at the age of seventy-two—a great loss to the magazine, to American public discourse, and to his many friends. We present...


Richard John Neuhaus

As with most academic traditions, and especially those that are viewed as soft, there are orthodoxies and fashions, and sometimes sudden turns, that are conventionally described—following Thomas Kuhn’s Structure...

The Pro-Life Movement as the Politics of the 1960s

Richard John Neuhaus

Whatever else it is, the pro-life movement of the last thirty-plus years is one of the most massive and sustained expressions of citizen participation in the history of the...

Reconciling East and West

Richard John Neuhaus

It is no secret that the quest for Christian unity has come upon hard times. As a Catholic, one’s first duty is to make it clear that the Catholic...

What Really Happened at Vatican II

Richard John Neuhaus

What Happened at Vatican II by John W. O’Malley Harvard University Press, 372 pages, $29.95 Vatican II: Renewal Within Tradition edited by Matthew Lamb and Matthew Levering Oxford University...

Benedict in America

Richard John Neuhaus

In saying that one must guard against superlatives in recounting Pope Benedict’s apostolic visit this April, one acknowledges that superlatives are not easy to resist. The enthusiasm of the...