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Luther at 500

Phillip Cary

It all did start with the ninety-five theses, in a sense. Luther probably did not actually nail them to the church door—at least no one at the time tells...

Barth Wars

Phillip Cary

Reading Barth with Charity: 
A Hermeneutical Proposal 
by george hunsinger 
baker, 208 pages, $24.99 Rumors of war persist in Princeton. The seminary faculty there boasts two eminent Barth scholars,...

In God’s Name

Phillip Cary

The Divine Name(s) and the ?Holy Trinity: Distinguishing ?the Voices (volume 1) by R. Kendall Soulen Westminster John Knox, 312 pages, $30 n Some years ago, when revisionary theologians...

Material God

Phillip Cary

Jesus Christ, Eternal God:Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter by stephen h. webb oxford, 368 pages, $65 Could God be a material being? It may sound like a...