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Farewell to Liberal-Imperial Diplomacy
In late June 2022, a small rubber dinghy sailed down the Danube River in Budapest, past the Hungarian Parliament. It displayed a sign: “Mr. Pressman, don’t colonize Hungary with...
From Occupy to Wall Street
On June 9, 2011, Kalle Lasn, an Estonian-Canadian activist and filmmaker, registered the web address Lasn is the co-founder of Adbusters magazine, a far-left anarchist publication established in...
The Dead End of the New Left
For decades, the progressive left has denounced the West for fostering imperialism. Since at least the 1960s, the reaction of the left to any war involving the West has...
Generation Against Generation
A war is slowly brewing. It pits parents against their children and children against their parents. Longstanding social and economic trends are creating tensions between the generations. These trends, which...