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Angelic Seeing

Nathaniel Peters

Passions of the Soul by rowan williams bloomsbury, 160 pages, $15 These reflections, gentle but piercing in their spiritual psychology, were originally given as an Easter retreat for the...

Spiritual Communion

Nathaniel Peters

During the Diocletian persecution, a group of North African Christians were brought to trial in Carthage for meeting illegally for worship. When asked why they had persisted in this...

Briefly Noted

Nathaniel Peters

God Visible: Patristic Christology Reconsideredby brian e. daley, s.j. oxford, 312 pages, $88 The great liberal Protestant theologian Adolf von ­Harnack argued that the simple, wholly ethical message of...

Thus Saith the Lord

Nathaniel Peters

One Sunday in high school, we went to the Anglo-Catholic parish where my headmaster served as an assistant priest. Catechized by evangelical Episcopalians and Presbyterians, I believed that the...

Briefly Noted

Nathaniel Peters

On the Road to Vatican II: German Catholic Enlightenment and Reform of the Churchby ulrich l. lehnerfortress, 414 pages, $49 On the Road to Vatican II focuses on German...

Briefly Noted

Nathaniel Peters

The Contemplative Hunger by father donald haggerty ignatius, 259 pages, $17.95 Fr. Donald Haggerty’s first book, Contemplative Provocations (reviewed here in December 2013), offered aphoristic counsel on prayer and...

Briefly Noted

Nathaniel Peters

Bach & God by michael marissen oxford, 288 pages, $35 Michael Marissen, emeritus professor of music at Swarthmore, argues that Johann Sebastian Bach’s music embodies the theology of its...

Briefly Noted

Nathaniel Peters

The Thriving Society: On the Social Conditions of Human Flourishingedited by james r. stoner jr. and harold jamesthe witherspoon institute, 230 pages, $25 W hat conditions are required for...

Winter Songs

Nathaniel Peters

Schubert’s Winter Journey: Anatomy of an Obsession by ian bostridge knopf, 528 pages, $29 One hundred and fifty years ago, lieder—art songs, in English—held a place in society that...

Richard John Neuhaus, Father

Nathaniel Peters

I did not think I knew much about death. In high school, my headmaster reminded us constantly that young though we were, we were destined to die. Death was...

Sexual Economics

Nathaniel Peters

Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying by Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker Oxford, 295 pages, $24.95 A full 84 percent of unmarried...

A Review of I Am with You Always

Nathaniel Peters

I Am with You Always by Benedict Groeschel Ignatius, $37.95, 507 pages n From the New Testament to the present, Christian theology has sought to explain and describe the...

Cloud of Witnesses by George William Rutler

Nathaniel Peters

Cloud of Witnesses: Dead People I Knew When They Were Alive by george william rutler scepter, 172 pages, $9.95 As the Victorians enjoyed collecting curiosities, so Fr. George Rutler...

Review of Money, Greed, And God

Nathaniel Peters

Money, Greed, And God: Why Capitalism Is The Solution And Not The Problem by Jay W. Richards HarperOne, 255 pages, $24.99 n Jay W. Richards channels the spirit of...

Review of Universe of Stone

Nathaniel Peters

Universe of Stone: A Biography of Chartres Cathedral by Philip Ball Harper, 322 pages, $27.95 n An inquisitive reader wanting to learn the history of Chartres Cathedral might pick...