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Angelic Seeing
Passions of the Soul by rowan williams bloomsbury, 160 pages, $15 These reflections, gentle but piercing in their spiritual psychology, were originally given as an Easter retreat for the...
Spiritual Communion
During the Diocletian persecution, a group of North African Christians were brought to trial in Carthage for meeting illegally for worship. When asked why they had persisted in this...
Briefly Noted
God Visible: Patristic Christology Reconsideredby brian e. daley, s.j. oxford, 312 pages, $88 The great liberal Protestant theologian Adolf von Harnack argued that the simple, wholly ethical message of...
Thus Saith the Lord
One Sunday in high school, we went to the Anglo-Catholic parish where my headmaster served as an assistant priest. Catechized by evangelical Episcopalians and Presbyterians, I believed that the...
Briefly Noted
On the Road to Vatican II: German Catholic Enlightenment and Reform of the Churchby ulrich l. lehnerfortress, 414 pages, $49 On the Road to Vatican II focuses on German...
Briefly Noted
The Contemplative Hunger by father donald haggerty ignatius, 259 pages, $17.95 Fr. Donald Haggerty’s first book, Contemplative Provocations (reviewed here in December 2013), offered aphoristic counsel on prayer and...
Briefly Noted
Bach & God by michael marissen oxford, 288 pages, $35 Michael Marissen, emeritus professor of music at Swarthmore, argues that Johann Sebastian Bach’s music embodies the theology of its...
Briefly Noted
The Thriving Society: On the Social Conditions of Human Flourishingedited by james r. stoner jr. and harold jamesthe witherspoon institute, 230 pages, $25 W hat conditions are required for...
Winter Songs
Schubert’s Winter Journey: Anatomy of an Obsession by ian bostridge knopf, 528 pages, $29 One hundred and fifty years ago, lieder—art songs, in English—held a place in society that...
Richard John Neuhaus, Father
I did not think I knew much about death. In high school, my headmaster reminded us constantly that young though we were, we were destined to die. Death was...
Sexual Economics
Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying by Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker Oxford, 295 pages, $24.95 A full 84 percent of unmarried...
A Review of I Am with You Always
I Am with You Always by Benedict Groeschel Ignatius, $37.95, 507 pages n From the New Testament to the present, Christian theology has sought to explain and describe the...
Cloud of Witnesses by George William Rutler
Cloud of Witnesses: Dead People I Knew When They Were Alive by george william rutler scepter, 172 pages, $9.95 As the Victorians enjoyed collecting curiosities, so Fr. George Rutler...
Review of Money, Greed, And God
Money, Greed, And God: Why Capitalism Is The Solution And Not The Problem by Jay W. Richards HarperOne, 255 pages, $24.99 n Jay W. Richards channels the spirit of...
Review of Universe of Stone
Universe of Stone: A Biography of Chartres Cathedral by Philip Ball Harper, 322 pages, $27.95 n An inquisitive reader wanting to learn the history of Chartres Cathedral might pick...