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The End of Trudeau’s Pseudo-Caesarism

Nathan Pinkoski

When Barack Obama first won the presidency in 2008, he ushered in a distinctive left-liberal aesthetic of personal power. Young, handsome, eloquent, and black, Obama was cool, and in...


Nathan Pinkoski

Dawn’s Early Light:Taking Back Washington to Save Americaby kevin d. robertsbroadside, 304 pages, $32 When Kevin Roberts became president of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, he set out to...

Actually Existing Postliberalism

Nathan Pinkoski

Twentieth-century civilization has collapsed. It rested on an essential tenet of liberalism: the state-society, public-private distinction. The state-society distinction reached its apogee in the mid-twentieth century, when the triumph...

Hannah and Her Resisters

Nathan Pinkoski

We Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendts Lessons in Love and Disobedienceby lyndsey stonebridge hogarth, 368 pages, $32 One of the greatest beneficiaries of Donald Trump’s 2016 election...

Abortion and the American Colonization of France

Nathan Pinkoski

Since the Veil Law of 1975, abortion has been legal in France. Yet for decades, the French could boast that through legislative deliberation, they avoided importing American culture wars...

Fukuyama v. Fukuyama

Nathan Pinkoski

Liberalism and Its Discontentsby francis fukuyamafarrar, straus and giroux, 192 pages, $26 To the general public, Francis Fukuyama’s name is synonymous with the “end of history” thesis, which contends...

Spiritual Death of the West

Nathan Pinkoski

The most important dystopian novels of the first half of the twentieth century are Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. Huxley and Orwell captured the two sides...

What Led to Canada’s Crisis

Nathan Pinkoski

Last week, the Canadian government invoked the Emergencies Act to break up the Freedom Convoy protests. Officials had accused the protesters—long-haul truckers and citizens gathered in Ottawa to peacefully...

The Irreligious Right

Nathan Pinkoski

A World After Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Rightby matthew roseyale, 208 pages, $28 In a series of short but incisive essays, Matthew Rose, a frequent contributor to First...

The Necessity of Nationalism

Nathan Pinkoski

After Nationalism: Being American in an Age of Divisionby samuel goldmanuniversity of pennsylvania, 208 pages, $25 Those involved in the debates over American nationalism will find Samuel Goldman’s skeptical intervention,...

The Most Controversial Man in France

Nathan Pinkoski

Éric Zemmour is the most important media personality in France today. He is also the most controversial. So, in February 2021, when he hinted on television that he was...

Revolt of the Retired Generals

Nathan Pinkoski

On April 21, twenty retired French generals published an open letter to President Emmanuel Macron and the French government. The letter, which appeared in Valeurs actuelles, calls for France’s...

History Never Ended

Nathan Pinkoski

History Has Begun:The Birth of a New Americaby bruno maçães oxford, 248 pages, $29.95 Is liberalism giving way to something new? The most notable contemporary case for postliberalism, Patrick...

Postconstitutional America

Nathan Pinkoski

The Stakes:America at the Point of No Returnby michael antonregnery, 500 pages, $32.99 Beginning with his essay “The Flight 93 Election,” published by the Claremont Review of Books in...

Coronavirus and the Cult of Expertise

Nathan Pinkoski

Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue is best known for two arguments. The first half of the book criticizes the Enlightenment as a project that had to fail because of its...